I've learned a few things in the past 10 months carting my little bouncing baby boy around The Farm, and if I can even impart one simple idea or recommendation for the new mom also trying to juggle a farm and/or small agricultural business then I consider my words a successful outreach :)
After all, we at Riffle Farms are here for Y-O-U and your family, we want to provide other families with a healthier, sustainable meat that nourishes the body while also caring for the local community and doing our part to help the planet. It's our way of providing a future for our child.
Must haves for staying mobile:
Osprey Poco AG Plus Baby Carrier
- easy to wear, comfortable, and great to start using after baby can no longer fit in a Moby Wrap
- has a sun shade that also helps with the wind
- buckles kiddo in so they don't fall out when you are jumping fences ;)

Thule Urban Glide 2 Stroller
- says urban, but it's amazing for hauling kiddo up and down our gravel roads and staging him someplace safe at the farmer's markets :)
- it is wonderful to run with, turns and moves on a dime
- a bit heavy, but worth the load!

Add a good pair of slip on boots and you're basically golden! These three items will keep you on the move, comfortably and safely!
